Content Marketing

Content Marketing

Reach an audience of millions, content marketing campaigns typically deliver about 1.5MM impressions over 60 days.

We are storytellers who understand modern media who not only will create amazing content for your brand, we’ll also distribute the content to millions of consumers across our media platforms.

Each custom content campaign will be published on along with the following:

  • Content Creation: Wine Enthusiast’s production team collaborates with you to develop the contnt elements of your campaign. We strive to make your custom content indistinguishable from Wine Enthusiast editorial content.
  • Promotional Plan: Each content marketing campaign includes a promotional media plan designed to promote your custom content to our digital properties. ​
    • Supplied roadblock banners surrounding content​
    • Co-branded banner creation that will run across and drive to the landing page​
    • Promotional tout on homepage driving to landing page​
    • Newsletter inclusion driving to landing page​
    • Paid social amplification promotion ​
    • 60 days of supplied banner ROS on​

To learn more contact your account representative today.

This is a sample of our sponsored article pages, crafted to highlight and promote your brand.

Wine Enthusiast Advertising